My flesh was not torn

My flesh was not torn by the lash.
Nails did not pierce my hands and feet.
My lungs did not gasp for air.
The pain was not mine.

My body did not hang on a tree.
I was not mocked with hateful scorn.
Friends did not leave me to die.
The shame was not mine.

My father did not forsake me.
The burden of sin was not placed on me.
Justified wrath was not directed at me.
The punishment was not mine.

I cannot stand in the presence of the holy God.
He can.
I cannot pay the price demanded by my unrighteousness.
He can.
I cannot save myself.
He can.

The pain, the shame, and the punishment were mine,
but He chose to bear them because He loves me.

I deserve the cross.
I deserve the tomb.
I deserve the wrath.

Rather than pain I have hope.
Rather than shame I have joy.
Rather than punishment I have pardon.

I was given grace.
I was given mercy.
I was given life.

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