I Wonder as I Wander: The Theology of Christmas

I haven’t blogged since June.  I am ashamed.  I could blame the pressures of work, family (two new grandbabies!) and “stuff,” and the fact that the blog site disappeared for a while, which I still can’t explain, but I also know I could have made time to write.  I’ve missed it as have my immense number of followers (at last count I was approaching double digits).  For better or worse I’m back.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be blogging based on a sermon series I created several years ago that examines some of the theological issues we encounter at Christmas:

  • The Virgin Birth
  • The Incarnation of Christ
  • The Glory of God
  • The Self-Emptying of Christ (Kenosis)

Please join me in this journey to and beyond Christmas as we consider the wonder of God’s love and His amazing gift to us.

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